Saturday, 14 July 2012

I'm back (again)

Well, the best laid plans of mice and men... I had all sorts of blog posts planned for this week, but last Monday, the charger cable went for my laptop, so I have only been able to access the internet on my phone,not the best for either reading blogs or writing posts on here.

But I did get some amazing news, my first was confirmed! So I get to graduate with a top degree at Christmas (we have 2 graduations, as we get 2 degrees, although my course continues for another 2 years).

I've also started my paediatric placement, which has been fun so far, though we haven't really had much contact with the children as it's been an induction week. I did manage to make a 16 month old cry without touching him, he was smiling away and very happy with us being there, until I got out my stethoscope, and then he really wasn't happy. I felt so bad for him and his Dad, and left very quickly so as not to upset him further! We also had a class on "baby juggling," which amused me. We learnt how to hold and pass babies, and how to dress them and change a nappy (we had a race to dress a baby doll). It surprises me that people in my year have never held a baby before, let alone done anything else. Thanks to my time spent in a Malawian orphanage for babies, I managed to win that particular race, which was apparently very impressive, although I don't think it's anything out of the ordinary to change a nappy and dress a baby.

It's also clear that some of my colleagues are scared of children, or at least have no idea how to interact with them, so we've been scheduled a day next week for playing with the children, which I'm really looking forward to!

The thing I'm really not looking forward to are the evening and weekend shifts in Children's Accident and Emergency, I think they'll be very tiring and emotionally draining. I either have to work Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday until 9pm 3 weekends out of  9, but that's added to an hours commute either way.

Now onto yarny things. Those of you following my year of projects will know that I'm planning to knit more preemie clothes this year for the babies in the NICU (doubly so because I actually get to spend time in the NICU this placement seeing the amazing work of the doctors there), and a got a wonderful gift from a lady on Ravelry this week.
4 balls of baby yarn, perfect for little cardigans, hats and bonnets. And the colours are perfect, as although we do get donated yarn, we rarely get anything interesting or anything boy coloured (yes, I know it's stereotyping, but most parents don't like to dress their boys in pink, plus it makes it easier for the staff to identify the babies).

All I need to do now is practise examining and developmentally assessing children. I might see if I can borrow my Goddaughter and her brother for an afternoon...


  1. Yes. It's very draining taking a child to the ER for any reason, too. We've been lucky in that regards, knock wood, one visit per child and that's it, and nothing that required an ambulance, thank goodness. Hopefully they give you guidance on relating to the parents as well as the children, since that's just as important. When your child is not well, a kind doctor or nurse is a godsend. (I bet you'll be great with both, though!)

    And don't feel guilty about the stethoscope, somebody probably startled the bejesus out of that baby with one earlier and it had nothing to do with you.

  2. I find your journey through this process so interesting. I smile as you describe each of your accomplishments. You are very special. I am also inspired by your knitting accomplishments. My progress in that area is at a standstill. I need to get back to more challenging projects. But for right now, I am sticking with mind numbing hats in the round.

  3. It's totally exhausting as a parent, taking a sick Little Man to the ER. Little Man is all fine until you come anywhere near him where he has to sit still (listening to his heartbeat/lungs, poking him with IVs, looking in his ears, etc.).

    And then I have to help hold him down. He looks at me like I'm the most evil Mama on earth.
