Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Tuesday Tunes

Ok, that picture looks quite dodgy, so I apologise, it's not a dirty song at all, though there are a few rude words, so maybe not suitable for small children

This is a song by the Amateur Transplants called Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin. I'm sure people know that I'm a medical student, and this is a band consisting of two doctors who write parody song on the subject of medicine. It's about a made up drug and it's absolutely hilarious. Well worth a watch, it'll make you giggle and be stuck in your head for days.See if you recognise the tune (I'm sure you will!)


  1. Oh yes, I recognize the tune! I used to copy edit medical articles so I find this amusing as well. Thanks!

  2. Very cute. Started off my day with a giggle, just like you promised :)

  3. Love it! Thanks for the smile!

  4. Haha - must let John see this -he was a big no free lunch man in his day. xx
