Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The Kindness of Strangers

My absence from blogging or commenting might give you a clue to the sort of 2 weeks I've had. There has been no crafting, no relaxing, in fact, nothing at all except working. I've been trying to get my head around being in a lab 9-5 during the day, then coming home and working 5:30-10 every night on my dissertation. And along with that, I've been trying to sort out the financial mess the last President left my trampoline club in, encourage new members to join the club, and trying to get my deposit back from our landlords from last year. And on top of all that, all the work I did in the lab last week was a total failure, so I've had to start again from scratch with temperamental machines and a -80°C (that's -112F) freezer that I can't find anything in and burns me every time I put my hand in it.

But then, I got the most amazing package in the post yesterday.
It was a gift from Yvonne at Napiligal's Blog after I complained to her how hard it is to get sock yarn where I live. And it's beautiful. It's hand dyed from Baywood Yarns in California and it is in my all time favourite colours (how did she know?).

So I'm incredibly grateful, as she posted it all the way from the states for me, and it really brightened up my week. I'm going to pass on the RAK, and hopefully give someone else the same warm, fuzzy feeling I got when I opened this.


  1. What a kind gift. It sounds like it brightened your day in a tough few weeks!

  2. What a nice gift :) Wishing you the best with your busy days...and I'm not sure how the deposits are worked over there, but usually tenants are protected by a landlord-tenant policy. check to see if you have something like that and if the landlord hasn't complied threaten to legally seek retribution.

  3. Speaking of......I still need your address so I may send you a box of yarny goodness (and maybe some other treats). Just send it to me via Ravelry :)

    ~ Renee (renny1780)

  4. Sorry to hear you've been having a tough time, but yarn that gorgeous must have brought a huge smile! The colours are amazing, so intense :)

  5. So happy you like the yarn! Actually it's funny how I came to have this skein. I was on a yarn shop hop (organized by our lys's here) and saw this beautiful yarn. I didn't like the project they were featuring for the hop so I bought this yarn instead. Well, I got home and figured out why I like the yarn so much...I had bought the same color about a year earlier and had knit my first pair of socks with it!. So happy you like the color. Enjoy
